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Project Acceleration Workshop


Review and optimize

Workshop outcome

  • Gaps, risks and opportunities are identified and addressed

  • Project plans are updated, and follow-up plan is in place


  • Review the project charter, the project master plan and the key subsidiary plans

  • Review the latest project status report


  • Determine the true status of the project – plan vs. actual

  • Agree on the need for changes with the stakeholders

  • Revisit scope, optimize schedule and budget

  • Utilize buffers

  • Improve the way of work and communication

  • Replan

  • Approve the updated project plan and agree on steps to keep the momentum


A typical workshops will need at least a week of planning in advance depending on size and complexity of the project. During that time we'll work with the project manager and stakeholders to build a successful workshop. The workshop day will require participation of all key players within the project team and additional stakeholders as necessary. Following the workshop, we will schedule follow-up meetings to ensure continued progress and implementation of the workshop outcomes. 

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